Monday, 30 April 2018

A guy to help heal a broken heart

I hope to one day meet someone amazing that will help me heal and forget all about the ex. There are things I’m doing myself but I welcome the day when I find someone where their love helps fix th_ Rachael:She takes pictures of us together and sends me the picture to put on Facebook to [...]

I have 2 kids, 3 and 1, along with a husband who works 3rd shift.
(24 April 2018)

We they looked around at booking sites and found that we could save almost $400 a person by leaving on Thursday morning to Monday night instead of Friday night to Monday morning.
(24 April 2018)

I was thinking a little weekend away from my kids and husband to spend a little girl time.
(24 April 2018)

I agreed and told them to get me dates and pricing.
(24 April 2018)

We got to talking and they said I should come along with them.
(24 April 2018)

My 2 best friends were talking one night about going to Las Vegas as nice get-a-way before the school year starts, they are both teachers.
(24 April 2018)

Is it ok to go clubbing at the same place every other week or should I mix it up?
(24 April 2018)

Should I unfriend (on FB) the woman who just dumped me? Dated for about 4-5 months. I think she wants to be friends but I don't really care?
(24 April 2018)

I'd rather forget her and move on but I don't want to be mean.
(24 April 2018)

A random guy blowed me a kiss in a passionate way.......why?
(24 April 2018)

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