Sunday 1 April 2018

How to treat a woman

1st you need to listen to what they like to do and have done to them .Then you need to look them over top to bottom and see what your working with and lick your lips at the sweet spots. Then when you_ Joane:I am scared because I read somewhere that incest is illegal…but we are [...]

Also no one knows I'm still a virgin...
(27 March 2018)

I have been called cute by several girls and I don't understand why I haven't lost my virginity yet.
(27 March 2018)

Yep, haven't even seen a girl naked in person.
(27 March 2018)

I am in to white girls, and I find a lot of white girls attractive but here is the problem.
(27 March 2018)

I'm african american and I go to a school where 75 percent of the population is white.
(27 March 2018)

I'm almost 19, I'm a student athlete in a Division 3 college, a soccer player.
(27 March 2018)

Pie in face bet question?
(27 March 2018)

Should I surprise her or should I make her own up to it and do it on camera or in front of her friends?
(27 March 2018)

What I need help with is the setting of the pie.
(27 March 2018)

I'm thinking about using those premaid crust with banana pudding mix and cool whip.
(27 March 2018)

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