Sunday, 8 April 2018

Mi otro amor

El mar me enamora, me invita a soñar, imaginar, sentir…Mira la calma, es una noche romántica por excelencia, para compartir fundidos en un tierno, profundo y apasionado abrazo interminable.Ya no s_ Corazon:My real name is Rosemary but everyone calls me Rose for a nickname, should I just legally shorten it?(31 March 2018) Alane:My ex gf liked that [...]

I really like him and want to be with.
(4 April 2018)

Everytime she does that he gets really mad and keeps saying I'm single.we have been intimate a couple of times.I'm just feeling very annoy with the entire situation.
(4 April 2018)

The problem is my friend his mom keeps calling me daughter in law.
(4 April 2018)

But however he happens to be my friend son.
(4 April 2018)

We get along great we have fun when we are together.
(4 April 2018)

A random guy at the beach was looking at me many times for a long time....why did he stare at me so much?
(4 April 2018)

Why do people feel the need to tell me I'm going no where in life ???
(4 April 2018)

Should i just let him come to me in the future or should i send out a hello?
(4 April 2018)

I guess you guys will probably just say leave him alone and let him come to you.
(4 April 2018)

So even though i love him, I miss his friendship more and worry about him.
(4 April 2018)

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