Tuesday 22 May 2018

Birthday Card (continued II)

The drive home took longer than she was expecting. It felt awkward and scary and fun and scary and… she started to realize that this was actually going to happen. A strong surge of wetness and tingl_ Jenniffer:She’s even recognized my family from noticing family on Facebook with my last name.(18 May 2018) Jenniffer:She told me I’m [...]

After deciding that was hellish, I tried to end the relationship, he also told me to leave a few times but would block me, chase me, or refuse to let me leave or ask to talk.
(18 May 2018)

Things were really good, then we hit hard times, and things got worse and worse, to the point we couldn't talk about anything meaningful, I was always nervous around him because he gets randomly so angry and is so emotional.
(18 May 2018)

Why does every girl already have a boyfriend?
(18 May 2018)

Is there like an overpopulation of young men?
(18 May 2018)

Is it really that hard to find single girls?
(18 May 2018)

Why does every girl I meet in college or in the community already have a boyfriend?
(18 May 2018)

Why won't the army recruiter get back to me?
(18 May 2018)

I know their busy and he has to make the drive but i's not like i live half way across the state.
(18 May 2018)

We finally met up but it has tsken me months just to turn in the paperwork because he never answers my texts.
(18 May 2018)

A week or two later he texts me asking if I'm still interested.
(18 May 2018)

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