Saturday 12 May 2018

For real??

Okay, if your pictures on your profile are date/time stamped in 1999….it’s time to break out the camera and update, update, update! lol_ Khalilah:How can I explain this situation without it sounding awkward?(4 May 2018) Khalilah:So when I’m on a date I always feel awkward whenever this topic comes up and when I say I live at [...]

Girlfriend is annoyed because she doesn't want to be told what she can and can't wear.
(8 May 2018)

She got mad and hit me then she ran to her boyfriend and cried.
(8 May 2018)

That's what I do when someone is sad also I wasn't joking about the video.
(8 May 2018)

What would you do if you caught your neighbour seriously hurting your pet? Your good pet that did not do anything against anyone...?
(8 May 2018)

Would you break the law to teach your neighbour a lesson, leaving not enough evidence to be prosecuted?
(8 May 2018)

I want sex as soon as possible sigh..I'm so lost what do I do?
(8 May 2018)

I never even had a first kiss every guy I wanted rejected me... or said they only like me as a friend but I want sex badly. but I don't want a one night stand or hookup...I want a serious relationship but I'm impatient.
(8 May 2018)

I know im ugly but people are just mean for no reason to me and im a nice person....
(8 May 2018)

At my job, people dont look or sit with me, in public, stores look at me like im about to steal something.
(8 May 2018)

On all my dating apps everyone I message calls me ugly.
(8 May 2018)

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