Tuesday 8 May 2018

Gigantic Tits ;) BBW Love

For those big mouth bitches talking about us BBW, we can lose weight if we choose too, but you can never change ugly . #shutthefuckup! #phatgirlproblems!_ Mariann:In a couple of weeks I graduate and this really beautiful white girl sits with my friends at our table but I’m not friends with her we just know each [...]

My best friend's dad died recently and she's been very distant since (we live in different states) I too have lost my dad. How do I help her?
(3 May 2018)

I don't have a car so unable to start driving towards where she is .. Thinking of taking a bus after final exams are done next week though.
(3 May 2018)

What would be some cute things to put in a love letter to your girlfriend?
(3 May 2018)

Hi my name is Chris. What's up? I'm just wondering if Katie is playing mind games with me?
(3 May 2018)

I didn't hear back from her and when I saw her again two weeks later she acted like I never asked her out and she talked about a tinder guy she went out with.
(3 May 2018)

When I suggested something she was super weird about it and said she had to check her schedule.
(3 May 2018)

A couple weeks ago she said we should go out sometime soon.
(3 May 2018)

She likes me about every other day.
(3 May 2018)

Why don't people talk to you for no reason?
(3 May 2018)

Has this happened to you before, and if it has, do you know why?
(3 May 2018)

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