Saturday 19 May 2018

One is the Loneliest Number ….

Lonely. Loneliness. Being alone. No one to talk to, to share with. The events of the day, what’s happening in your life with no one to laugh or cry about. The days endlessly drag on, the nights_ Ellan:My mom always tells me I’m bulling her and that she’s fighting in defense because I look scary… when [...]

As a child, I experienced repeated rejection from boys that I had crushes on.
(15 May 2018)

What's your opinion on the reason why I don't talk to most of my family anymore?
(15 May 2018)

I nevery talk to them because of that.
(15 May 2018)

As soon as I turned 24 and got a good job it's like all of a sudden they have respect for me.
(15 May 2018)

When I was age 20 to 23 they always talked down to me about how I didn't have internships or a good job in college.
(15 May 2018)

Pretty much all my family members have high paying jobs or a lot of money.
(15 May 2018)

This photo is for the guy who's going to date my daughter?
(15 May 2018)

Remembering that I have a whole collection of weapons in my house so do not take advantage of my princess and never think about taking her to the motel.
(15 May 2018)

What can we do about a nightmare daycare situation?
(15 May 2018)

We just want them out of this toxic environment, but I'm scared she'll take them because she can afford a way better lawyer.
(15 May 2018)

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