Wednesday 9 May 2018

What immediately turns you off?

Whether it be in an email, message, or otherwise, what makes you go full stop and cut all communication?_ Gracia:However, I also think that if I do ask her out again, no matter the answer, it’ll at least give me some clarity.(29 April 2018) Gracia:I feel like I shouldn’t because she cancelled on me last time and [...]

My boyfriend cried when we were having sex?
(4 May 2018)

Is this offensive? question is mainly for females?
(4 May 2018)

Why does my boyfriend copy me?
(4 May 2018)

Dont know what to say to my boyfriend about how I feel?
(4 May 2018)

He doesnt care as much about my happiness as he used to, i think I dont really trust him, I am always making the worse assumptions up in my head, i just feel alone and wish I had my old boyfriend back.
(4 May 2018)

I just feel like at the moment he doesnt care.
(4 May 2018)

He works for my dads compang as a labourer and has since changed (i think because of the people he works with) it used to be the next step is engagement but he wants to wait until his loan is paid off.
(4 May 2018)

Things were great, but now not as great.
(4 May 2018)

Im 21 his 23. Living with parents over a year now.
(4 May 2018)

Was this girl being nice to me or flirting?
(4 May 2018)

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