Monday, 11 June 2018

Just ranting about our new Uncivilzation

So, we have more terrorist attacks, police ambushes, etc. Seems to be the norm in this New World Disorder.By the way, Uncivilization was an album by Biohazard (Brooklyn Rap-Metal band) that was relea_ Sherlene:Her mother and father live with us temporarily to care for the baby whilst my wife and I work.(3 June 2018) Sherlene:She used to [...]

I just do not want to cancel on my boyfriend.
(7 June 2018)

My job said either 3pm or 5pm is good but my dad said if i want to go in go at 5pm.
(7 June 2018)

He will call me while he is on break (he normally does) and i will see what he says.
(7 June 2018)

I got a call to go into work but i did not answer right away because I wanted to make sure what my boyfriend said as we had plans after he leaves work today.
(7 June 2018)

Should I go and talk to every person that waves at me from afar?
(7 June 2018)

Is it wrong to keep your families and friends separate from your romantic relationship?
(7 June 2018)

Can't we just focus on us alone?
(7 June 2018)

But if both sides interningled, it would be chaos.
(7 June 2018)

I show up rarely as his side doesn't like me as well.
(7 June 2018)

So for 2 years I never invited him over or out with my family and friends.
(7 June 2018)

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