Tuesday, 31 July 2018

another idea….

Hey to all the sheep who follow…. ok i respect that you have a QUEEN who you have promised not to look at others blogs or comment… IDEA!!!!!!!_ Yuette:I don’t feel comfortable with him talking to her but I don’t want to tell him to stop so he doesn’t feel like I’m trying to control him [...]

We then texted into the next day until later on he just stopped responding.
(29 July 2018)

A few hours after the date he texted me to reiterate that he had fun and was glad we met up.
(29 July 2018)

At the end of the date he said he had fun and we should meet up again.
(29 July 2018)

We chatted for a couple hours over drinks and had good conversation.
(29 July 2018)

I went out on- what seemed- like a good date with a guy.
(29 July 2018)

I'm not a martyr I'm just confused.
(29 July 2018)

I may have called the cops, but I have never treated her badly.
(29 July 2018)

I am considering divorce but won't give up the property in my name.
(29 July 2018)

Always used the excuse that she won't pay for my ticket etc.
(29 July 2018)

For 6 years she has refused to travel with me back there.
(29 July 2018)

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