Wednesday 18 July 2018

Anyone Serious About Meeting

Am I the only one who gets a lot of “talk” on here but no action…what gives?_ Ela:I whispered before I kissed him, I’d move mountains for you to say it again.(15 July 2018) Ela:He just laughed and then he said I love you.(15 July 2018) Ela:I got closer and said it’s about time you got up the [...]

I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him.
(16 July 2018)

He cares for me so much, he makes any bad day better, when I'm feeling down, he's the first one there to pick me up.
(16 July 2018)

I think I'm truly in love with him.
(16 July 2018)

I didn't want it to end, but unfortunately, the movie ended so we had to stop.
(16 July 2018)

We sat like that for a couple minutes, and then I lifted the arm rest, scooted closer to him, and put my head onto his chest.
(16 July 2018)

He got up, used the bathroom and when he came back, he sat down and wrapped his arm around me.
(16 July 2018)

A couple minutes later, my arm was on the arm rest, and he places his arm on top of mine, and interlocked out fingers.
(16 July 2018)

It couldn't have been more than a couple seconds, but it felt like minutes, him staring into my eyes, and me staring into his.
(16 July 2018)

While we were watching the movie, Trevor turned and looked at me, and I turned and looked at him.
(16 July 2018)

We were sitting in the theater, with just a couple other people, but mostly by ourselves.
(16 July 2018)

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