Friday, 24 August 2018

Dear Andrew

Dear Andrew,Yep, me again, one of your site’s success stories. I don’t know if you read my last blog post to you, but I’m going to leave this one open for comment. If any of the site opera_ Trista:I might be spending the next 2 years with her in my classes now and I’m not happy [...]

What does a guy mean when they say they love you as a person.
(21 August 2018)

Am I cheating on my boyfriend?
(21 August 2018)

He was glad to see me, he called me beautiful, I didn't like that at all.
(21 August 2018)

So later on that night, I was still wearing that tank top, I was bored and call him.
(21 August 2018)

Alright, crossed the line, I brushed it off my shoulder and ignore him when he said stuff like that.
(21 August 2018)

He then would talk about my boyfriend and all things he has done wrong for me and that if he was with me he would do it all.
(21 August 2018)

He like that he could be more like himself, which made me feel like I was doing a good thing as a friend.
(21 August 2018)

We we did, he was more about himself, he was more sexual when he out of work and I usually do that with my friends I pretty much use to it, it didn't bother me one bit.
(21 August 2018)

Okay, so before I start, my boyfriend knows that I let other guys know if I was single I would date them, or like them.
(21 August 2018)

Someone who I work wit just asked me out!?
(21 August 2018)

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