Wednesday 8 August 2018

Happy Columbo Sunday!!

Good morning……YES!! My favourite day of the week… …..and an EXTRA hour of indulgence being shown on TV…..[image1]I’m gonn be a real lazy Bitch today… tomorrow, although a Bank Holi_ Elayne:I basically only see them for breakfast, lunch dinner, and when I come out of my room to find some snacks or take a small break….(31 [...]

Not because of anything I've done, but because she was raised in a very emotional unavailable and unfaithful family.
(5 August 2018)

My wife has always had trust issues.
(5 August 2018)

My daughter asked me to watch her have sex with her girlfriend. I am not a troll?
(5 August 2018)

When to a coffee shop and now asking this question.
(5 August 2018)

Both of them asking me to watch.
(5 August 2018)

Her friend friend sat down as she was asking me this question.
(5 August 2018)

I told her that I do not think that would be appropriate for me to do that.
(5 August 2018)

And would like me to watch them.
(5 August 2018)

She said that as they were talking they said they had never had sex together.
(5 August 2018)

Not to look alarmed, I did not look at her but just listened.
(5 August 2018)

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