Monday 6 August 2018

my constant shame - the blacklist and the white

my constant shame - the blacklist and the whitethe blacklist and the whiteall those lists of many shadesthe bouncers on the doors to democracyso many lists and so little timeto ensure I get on every s_ Stefany:My parents have no problems with any other race and I dont want it to be racist or anything because [...]

So I don't have a baby or want one now.
(2 August 2018)

My boyfriend still talks about his ex?
(2 August 2018)

She is really pretty and i know she is a good girl but now i hate her with all my heart because he talks so much about her?
(2 August 2018)

He talks to me about her in a really bad way though always like ''i hate her'' ''ew'' .. he was always bringing her up expecially at first, but it annoys me that it has been 2 years and he still talks about her?
(2 August 2018)

Hey what version of this quote sounds better?
(2 August 2018)

Thank you making it for a shirt.
(2 August 2018)

Women find me disgusting, women think im disgusting, girls find me disgusting, or girls think im disgusting.
(2 August 2018)

Is it normal to suffocate in your sleep? and feel super week?
(2 August 2018)

Why would the school bus come at 630 , if the school doesnt start until 830, does that sound weird to you?
(2 August 2018)

Why do other parents complain when people put thier kid on a leash?
(2 August 2018)

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