Friday 17 August 2018

My Fantasy - Horseplay

I’m not really into horses - I’ve ridden a couple of times but am certainly no expert. So I was just a little nervous when my Meelp date asked me to meet her at her west Texas ranch. I knew she was bi_ Brittanie:Why does his eyes seem to shine and look dreamy when we cross [...]

They don't want to get to know you.
(14 August 2018)

They play dumb to some people and others they reveal their true selfs.
(14 August 2018)

The people are instigating, clever, scheming and manipulative.
(14 August 2018)

I went into a new area and the attitudes are way different than the previous area that I am in.
(14 August 2018)

I've seen my Twin Flame. He is thousands of miles away. Why am I so calm about this. I just know I'm going to have him even though?
(14 August 2018)

Really calm just a sense of knowing.
(14 August 2018)

I don't know how I'm going to get him.
(14 August 2018)

We talk twice or thrice through long texts each week.
(14 August 2018)

He always avoids eye contact but is normal with other people.
(14 August 2018)

I have a shy friend who smiles when he greets me but never looks at me.
(14 August 2018)

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