Friday 17 August 2018

My Fantasy - Horseplay

I’m not really into horses - I’ve ridden a couple of times but am certainly no expert. So I was just a little nervous when my Meelp date asked me to meet her at her west Texas ranch. I knew she was bi_ Brittanie:Why does his eyes seem to shine and look dreamy when we cross [...]

I took another test this morning - it was also negative.
(14 August 2018)

I took a pregnancy test on the morning of the day of my expected period - negative.
(14 August 2018)

I am experiencing PMS symptoms (tender breasts, bloating, mood swings), I also keep experiencing cramps but I don't know if they're real or if it's just my anxiety messing with me.
(14 August 2018)

I'm stressed out because I don't know if I'm pregnant or not, I'm supposed to start college in a couple of days, and my period is a few days late, at this point I am sure that it will never come.
(14 August 2018)

Why am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend in the ER?
(14 August 2018)

We re both over 18, so what s the problem?
(14 August 2018)

All his chargers and stuff are in our apartment so I am unable to reach him by any means.
(14 August 2018)

I have no contact with him and have no way of knowing how he is.
(14 August 2018)

I wasn t able to see him the first day, and was turned away again the second day.
(14 August 2018)

My boyfriend swallowed half a bottle of his anti depressants and I drove him to a crisis center where they called an ambulance and took him to the ER.
(14 August 2018)

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