Monday 13 August 2018

SETI Team Investigating Mysterious Signal from Star 94 Light-Years Away

A powerful signal has been spotted coming from the vicinity of a sunlike star, and now astronomers are trying to figure out what it means.In May 2015, researchers using a radio telescope in Russia det_ Marilee:They threatened to cut off me and my son’s heads and remove our intestines.(7 August 2018) Marilee:They don’t like my son and [...]

Recently we were in our local shopping center and one of our daughter's class mates noticed them going to the bathroom together.
(10 August 2018)

Mostly it is curiosity but some of them are mean to her.
(10 August 2018)

We live in a town in America of about 15 000 and because my wife is Phillippino everything that she does that is the least bit unusual is taken notice of (I am white). The kids at school notice that our daughter looks different.
(10 August 2018)

Our daughter is 7 and my wife still accompanies our 7 year old daughter (starting grade 2 in the fall) to the bathroom.
(10 August 2018)

Please give me your honest feedback and spare the negativity cause I've already been beating myself up.
(10 August 2018)

But I'm scared I'm feeling this way cause I made a huge mistake.
(10 August 2018)

My kids already love the person I'm with and I still love her.
(10 August 2018)

I fear these are the consequences to my action.
(10 August 2018)

I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown.
(10 August 2018)

I have constant anxiety and alcohol cravings.
(10 August 2018)

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