Saturday 18 August 2018

The Best Thing in Life

The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing![image][image][image][image]_ Lester:I shouldn’t have ever started the relationship in the first place.(12 August 2018) Lester:First of all, I know I’m wrong ok.(12 August 2018) Jeanne:I think I won’t sleep tonight. What can I do?(12 August 2018) Jeanne:Or what [...]

He even had a Harley Statue I am told placed on top of his coffin when he died of, you guessed it, lung and liver cancer from smoking and drinking.
(14 August 2018)

I don't know the man well but I can see his face now from the two times we met.
(14 August 2018)

Oh and one uncle of his wife's who I met twice is the worst redneck God ever made.
(14 August 2018)

Lastly, they all have tattoos minus the uncle and his disabled son.
(14 August 2018)

His sister-in-law traded husbands and his wife's grandparents were cousins.
(14 August 2018)

His other brother-in-law hunts constantly and uses racial slangs even in front of the man's children and nephews-nieces.
(14 August 2018)

We used to see him but he abused a child of my uncle's sister-in-law's and so none of his siblings will see him again.
(14 August 2018)

His father in law is not as bad but one of his brother-in-law's is a sex offender.
(14 August 2018)

I am not against rednecks or anything but just wondered if this makes him one.
(14 August 2018)

I am joining the US Marine Corps. How shall I break up with my gf gently?
(14 August 2018)

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