Sunday 26 August 2018

the joys of being a Brit

ah…one thing I didn’t expect when I moved over here was that folk would ask me to talk to them.Back in the UK, most ladies would back away and suddenly remember an important appointment in a dif_ Dorothea:Maybe tensions are high because I just got the job.(23 August 2018) Dorothea:Ok I don’t know if I’m being overdramatic.(23 [...]

The person seemed interesting at first and as you got to know them or have seen their personality, it begins to dawn on you that they're not as interesting as you thought.
(23 August 2018)

My coworker offered me a ride after work?
(23 August 2018)

He always stands outside by his car looking at me whenever I get off work.
(23 August 2018)

I awkwardly switched the way I address my boss from her first name to Ms--?
(23 August 2018)

I feel like I should have just called her by her first name.
(23 August 2018)

I feel so odd addressing her by Miss Smith, and I don't know how to deal with this extremely awkward feeling.
(23 August 2018)

Before I got hired, I was calling her by her first name--let's say Mary.
(23 August 2018)

Maybe tensions are high because I just got the job.
(23 August 2018)

Ok I don't know if I'm being overdramatic.
(23 August 2018)

Is this girl trying to give me a hint?
(23 August 2018)

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