Yesterday was a day of dashing around between meetings, including an evening committee, so I didn’t get free until 9 pm.I had a short time at home mid-afternoon so I peeled, chopped and softened an on_ Jone:And yes he’s aggravated because she had her phone off til just now.(1 September 2018) Jone:Why is this driver in a [...]
Names for 5 girls and 5 boys?
(29 August 2018)
They can all start with the same letter or have different letters, just want some ideas. anything unique.
(29 August 2018)
How do i send a friend request to someone irl?
(29 August 2018)
Where can I buy a slave?
(29 August 2018)
They will be provided with clothes, one meal a day and a bed in the attic, but if they do not work hard enough they will be punished.
(29 August 2018)
I don t care if they are black, white, male or female.
(29 August 2018)
I want someone to clean my house, dig up my vegetable patch and wash my clothes.
(29 August 2018)
Where do black babies come from?
(29 August 2018)
Do black babies really come out of a bhole?
(29 August 2018)
My mom said black women poop out their kids, and that's why they are black.
(29 August 2018)
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