Monday 15 October 2018

En savoir un peu plus - Photos prises au moment parfait (22)

Depuis la nuit des temps, les hommes sont fascinés par les seins des femmes.Il arrive parfois qu’une photo saisisse parfaitement ce désir d’en voir un peu plus…Quelque fois de manière gen_ Adriene:Well i have a crush, and its a german boy at my school. we dont have to same classes but i see him during my [...]

We started having sex right away, i couldnt help it i was so into him.
(13 October 2018)

Why can I not forget this guy?
(13 October 2018)

It questions so much about what we had and why can i not forget him?
(13 October 2018)

I feel we dont talk, much at all anymore.
(13 October 2018)

We live 4 hours apart and there is a border of countries between us and he is not able to cross the border yet till he gets his residency.
(13 October 2018)

What happened, what was this?
(13 October 2018)

We would still chat here and there but i hav not seen him in two months and wonder if thats it now..
(13 October 2018)

Should i name my son sue?
(13 October 2018)

She posts all kinds of photos on her Facebook and Instagram of the meals at the restaurants, the nice hotels, the places he takes her Is this likely true love and he admires her so much that he wants to go out of his way to spoil and impress her?
(13 October 2018)

He typically only dates in the 18-24 age range.
(13 October 2018)

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