Thursday 25 October 2018


And Magic was everywhereIn all visagesMyriad golden moments10-23-16: The Magician. Where do you look for Magic? Yeah not a trick question. Most anywhere you look. The appearance of this, the number on_ Joana:The narcissistic aunt devoting Thanksgiving to her self professed hatred of her son who is more like his father, her ex while showering praise [...]

She's married to another man she's got our daughter there with him she and him are having a baby soon.
(23 October 2018)

I was engaged to my ex girlfriend but she had a miscarriage with one of our twins I blamed it on her I know it wasn't her fault I just got really mad at her.
(23 October 2018)

Me and my wife have been married for a year next week.
(23 October 2018)

How do I tell if he likes me?
(23 October 2018)

He's nice and smart and funny but how do I know his intentions?
(23 October 2018)

He was a senior for me and my crush.
(23 October 2018)

A guy from my school recently linked me and started talking.
(23 October 2018)

Is a girl looming at you more than 3x an obvious sign she finds you attractive? Even if a little?
(23 October 2018)

She boxes I assume she doesn t act as girly as some girls would if they liked the way someone looked.
(23 October 2018)

So there isn t really fear of eye contact but it s not like we talk.
(23 October 2018)

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