Friday, 5 October 2018

Sexiness on a Saturday

Some sexiness for your Saturday._ Kathrin:Like I caught her doing something 2. Tonight at another football game I was stuck in a bleacher tunnel traffic jam with a crowed of mixed ages.(8 September 2018) Kathrin:However I seen girls with there hand over their mouth and looking a in my direction.(8 September 2018) Kathrin:First of all I’m like a [...]

I still have feelings for him but im bitter because he is sweet on this other lady.
(4 October 2018)

What does it mean when a guy stays up late just to text YOU?
(4 October 2018)

Does this mean anything in particular?
(4 October 2018)

We would text each other till 3-4am, and the conversation can go on and on until one of us falls asleep on the other.
(4 October 2018)

From the morning to afternoon to night, we would update each other on what we are doing and all that.
(4 October 2018)

This guy and I have been friends but recently we text a lot.
(4 October 2018)

I have a crush on a girl who jogs?
(4 October 2018)

It's just a casual jog that people can freely run.
(4 October 2018)

It's a not running club outside bte guys.
(4 October 2018)

But being a Black guy like myself might find it weird to run with a chinese girl without her permission.
(4 October 2018)

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