Wednesday 3 October 2018

Speak up! I want to know!

So, as you may or may not have known, I was back in Halifax for a job this past week. I stayed a while longer to visit and got totally caught in the snowstorm. Chatted up a bunch of folks, had a ZILLI_ Elaine:My boyfriend has a loud alarm that reminds him to go to sleep [...]

Is it a good idea to be friends with your ex?
(25 September 2018)

Broke up with my boyfriend, tried to get him back, he said he needs alone time to think. What should I do?
(25 September 2018)

I'll give him his space because he is worth it to me, but do you think we can work this out?
(25 September 2018)

He said he doesnt know what he wants, and needs time alone to think.
(25 September 2018)

He said he's still in love and has been since first met me.
(25 September 2018)

I explained my reasons for breaking up with him and told him that I was still just as in love as before.
(25 September 2018)

We met up in person and he was sobbing saying how I broke his heart, he's got extremely hard family problems currently and he doesn't know if we can get back together.
(25 September 2018)

Come Saturday night, (we're in college), he hooked up with somebody else.
(25 September 2018)

Yet, this last week had been hanging out sporadically and we still told eachother we loved eachother.
(25 September 2018)

I broke up with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago due to some inner insecurities that I didn't want affecting our relationship, but I went about it the wrong way and wasn't honest about my reasons and he just thought I did not want to be together.
(25 September 2018)

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