Wednesday 3 October 2018

Speak up! I want to know!

So, as you may or may not have known, I was back in Halifax for a job this past week. I stayed a while longer to visit and got totally caught in the snowstorm. Chatted up a bunch of folks, had a ZILLI_ Elaine:My boyfriend has a loud alarm that reminds him to go to sleep [...]

Also this What were the key dynamics and developments that resulted in the creation of colonial empires?
(26 September 2018)

What should I bring to a Fall Out Boy Concert?
(26 September 2018)

I m going to a FoB concert on October 7th (it ll be the first concert I ve ever gone to so this is why I m asking) and it starts at 7 pm.
(26 September 2018)

Why is she saying hi to me every day now?
(26 September 2018)

A random girl that i go to school with now saying hi to me everyday and compliments me.
(26 September 2018)

Am i back together with my ex?
(26 September 2018)

When he was trying to get me back he said he was saving up for me and now if we have broken up then why is he still working hard and spending on me He let me eat whatever I wanted.... Do you think we are back together?
(26 September 2018)

One of my friends is convinced he still thinks we are together.... so what's really happening?
(26 September 2018)

On text he says stuff like.. he wants to do more.. sends hearts and kisses.. my friends are shocked be would invite me to eat together after we broke up?
(26 September 2018)

All my friends that know don't let me and my cousin that knows seems like she wants to but denies a chance.
(26 September 2018)

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