Saturday, 3 November 2018

My Christmas Wish to All

In light of recent tragic events in Ottawa, Australia, and now Pakistan, one can’t help but wonder where is our world heading to. Perhaps we, as a society, have given up on hope? In the face of sic_ Kai:I’m virgin and we haven’t done yet.(3 November 2018) China:Because me and my friend now hate eachother, should I [...]

Unconsciously she has this weird feeling.
(2 November 2018)

We want to know how to fix this because we don't want to break up.
(2 November 2018)

Me and my my girlfriend are now a year together and lately she got a weird feeling and doesn't know what it is.
(2 November 2018)

Boyfriend and his friends constantly make fun of me?
(2 November 2018)

I know they're immature but we are in our 20s and it's hard for me to enjoy anything without being teased about something.
(2 November 2018)

His friends also do it to me and they don't care if they hurt my feelings.
(2 November 2018)

I've had a boyfriend for a few years and he makes fun of everything about me.
(2 November 2018)

And I've been super tired all the time too.
(2 November 2018)

I never get this before my period (which should come in two weeks) so I guess I'll test then.
(2 November 2018)

Also the other day when I was using the bathroom, when I wiped, there was light red blood on the tissue.
(2 November 2018)

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