Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Who are the write-in candidates for president?

Me. Wanabediscrete. This site has been to much work to seek any no expectation fun.As your president. I would make your Meelp membership fee a tax write off (deduction)._ Mei:My boyfriend is 22 , has no drivers license, and has unrealistic career plans.(10 November 2018) Iris:Should I end this casual relationship and pursue a risky one?(10 November [...]

I told her I'm a single mom and it's too hard to help anyone right now and that she should try to find help with her family.
(13 November 2018)

I've helped a few times but put a stop to it a long time ago.
(13 November 2018)

My boyfriend's sister constantly asks me for money.
(13 November 2018)

Can I break up with my girlfriend over text if she cheated on me in our long distance relationship?
(13 November 2018)

Guys, if you went to a wedding ????????
(13 November 2018)

Since my sister is hated by most our family do we have to include her after our parents die?
(13 November 2018)

What physical things can actors do to display a father daughter relationship?
(13 November 2018)

Why is my elder sister ONLY talkative to my younger sister and harshly says advices and corrects my actions with a rude tone?
(13 November 2018)

If I ask them they won't tell me the reason.
(13 November 2018)

When I am travelling with my sisters, and they get into a conversation,I find a part in the conversation to chime in, but when I do, my sisters ignore me.
(13 November 2018)

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