Sunday 30 December 2018

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So we finally saw each other on a Thurs.
(30 December 2018)

He wanted to meet on a Saturday bec were both free, however, he wanted to see me before Sat which is Thurs.
(30 December 2018)

Would it be wrong for me to request someone doesnt walk with their heels on my floor?
(30 December 2018)

I dont want her to damage my floors so I was gonna ask her to try in walk more lightly with her feet.
(30 December 2018)

When she walks by my room sometimes it shakes the lamp in my room.
(30 December 2018)

It sounds like shes tied rocks to her shoes.
(30 December 2018)

I live in a house with hardwood flooring, and one of my tenants walk with her heels.
(30 December 2018)

How can I protect my son?
(30 December 2018)

Like any other parents they never thought this could happen to their kids I don't know what I do if anything like this happen to my son.
(30 December 2018)

I don't know how I'm gonna protect my son from strangers like this they said this is the second biggest unknown solved murdered next to JonBenet Ramsey.
(30 December 2018)

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