Saturday 15 December 2018

Holding Space

There is a term “holding space” that is meant for people who are empathetic to use when they are with someone who really needs someone else to be there for them in that moment…When someone is in dis_ Avril:I said I just see her as a friend.. and that’s all there is to it.(10 December 2018) Avril:Which [...]

Stripper and single mother....?
(14 December 2018)

Does being a stripper make you a bad mom......
(14 December 2018)

I feel bad that I have to go back.
(14 December 2018)

Thinking about going back to dancing just to get back on my feet.
(14 December 2018)

I lost my job and got be find on my bills.
(14 December 2018)

I use to dance before kids but stopped beacuse of the guy I was dating at the time.
(14 December 2018)

Why don t I have feelings for others?
(14 December 2018)

I don t really have anyone I trust.
(14 December 2018)

People used to be really mean to me and I think I m just lashing out?
(14 December 2018)

Like I treat them like they re nothing and only notice how mean I was after the fact but I keep doing it again.
(14 December 2018)

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