Tuesday 18 December 2018

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What will my wife think about my new car?
(17 December 2018)

I'm dating the girl on the right Girl on left is her friend dated her in school it was young first love we were too similar, not compatible I still care for her but I met her friend fancied her more.
(17 December 2018)

My gf wont swallow?
(17 December 2018)

Im thinking of breaking up since she doesnt listen to me even if i make her do it.
(17 December 2018)

She would give me a great blowj o b but then she refuses to swallow.
(17 December 2018)

Are these are girls attractive?
(17 December 2018)

Boyfriend wont allow me to help clean dishes after he cooks?
(17 December 2018)

Is there anyway I can convince him to let me help without making a big deal about it?
(17 December 2018)

At least 2-3 times a week and when I offer to at least do the dishes he he always says he will take care of it I always feel bad and guilty and i don't want him to resent me one day for feeling taken advantage.
(17 December 2018)

My boyfriend usually always makes me breakfast or does dinner sometimes.
(17 December 2018)

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