Wednesday 26 December 2018

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry

Aleppo is a virtual hell.Carnage, innocents slain, hospitals at worse than crisis point. Few buildings standing…..AND……The President Elect of the United States of America meets Kanye West and_ Keeley:Loving her is hurting me alot. Help????(24 December 2018) Keeley:I know this is not her fault but yesterday i was treating her bad at work because deep down this [...]

Without her knowing and that is use it while shes getting popcorn or something.
(26 December 2018)

But i have a plan on how to use it.
(26 December 2018)

I have NEVER been out on a date with a girl but i SURE got an awesome plan for my first 1 take her out to a restraunt 2 then take her to the movies 3 take her to a frozen yogurt Sounds good?
(26 December 2018)

She even wants us to shower together.
(26 December 2018)

She cries whenever I have to leave if she can't come with me.
(26 December 2018)

When we're cuddling in bed or on the couch she tries to get as close to me as she can.
(26 December 2018)

She follows me everywhere when we go out she holds my hand tries to stay very close to me.
(26 December 2018)

My girlfriend is madly in love with me.
(26 December 2018)

Are dating stereotypes true?
(26 December 2018)

Is it true that one race of people are naturally attracted or not attracted to another for example (latinas and black men) or (white men and Asian women)?
(26 December 2018)

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