Saturday 8 December 2018


LOT OF THEM HERE_ Cherie:I’ve been wanting to stop going to bars.(2 December 2018) Gay:My ex has a gun? Should I be worried?(2 December 2018) Gay:Should I be worried about my ex who I left years ago, I moved away and changed my number and got off social media, he has a gun and has a murder charge?(2 [...]

I want to move out and take my car but if I do she can't work and will lose the place and my 11 yr old brother will suffer.. I'm working on getting a certificate that will help me get make enough money to afford to be on my own.
(7 December 2018)

Most times.. It's really unfair to me.
(7 December 2018)

Then I feel things are so backwards with my parents.
(7 December 2018)

Meaning we move almost every year we stay in a place for a bout a year 5ops.
(7 December 2018)

Okay so I want to leave because I feel my parents arent Fina cially responsible.
(7 December 2018)

Hehe also I bring in social security money to help pay bills you are making it sound like she owns me but she doesn't she is my mother not my owner.
(7 December 2018)

If you don't care then why did you answer?
(7 December 2018)

Should I just give up and move on to the next gurl?
(7 December 2018)

Seems like we talk fine for days and and days but it seems like she lashes out at me... Every other day out of nowhere she'll says things like I'm exhausting her or today she told me I was needy ... Have ruined my chances with her though....
(7 December 2018)

Is it wierd for a fat guy to date a skinny girl?
(7 December 2018)

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