Saturday 22 December 2018

One man satifies five women sexually

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I'm going to the doctor in a week or two but I need some peoples personal experiences on this and advice.
(21 December 2018)

My breasts have grown a bit and feel fuller.
(21 December 2018)

If I was pregnant I would be about 4 weeks.
(21 December 2018)

I've been having sharp pains in both overies and my entire pelvic area and the feeling of fullness and pressure almost like my period pains for the past month nonstop.
(21 December 2018)

Is it common that guys change their personality and behaviour in a relationship?
(21 December 2018)

Since then we got together and he's totally different.
(21 December 2018)

We argued a few times in a really bad way resulting in me crying and him realizing he was wrong not just with me but also with himself.
(21 December 2018)

He would be either the sweetest and most protective guy evr amd when he noticed he took it too far and me head over heels for him he would put all his efforts to make me stay away from him.
(21 December 2018)

Sometimes he would scold me on purpose so that I would start hating me.
(21 December 2018)

Christmas, smiles, presents... because he never had a real childhood and the love of a family.
(21 December 2018)

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