For those long time readers, you will be aware that I have been inching closer and closer to declaring that I am polyamorous- to me that means someone who can have more than one sexual and love relati_ Marisol:Advice on how shall I deal with her?(20 December 2018) Marisol:It’s not that I go around her house all [...]
My husband is German and wants to name our son Ingo, which is a german name.
(22 December 2018)
Is it ok to have sex in front of your children?
(22 December 2018)
This might sound creepy but we think of it as an educational experience and after all sex is completely natural.
(22 December 2018)
My children are 4 and 7 and my husband and I have discussed if we should have sex in front of them instead of trying to explain what sex is.
(22 December 2018)
What's a good present to give to a transgender 5 year old?
(22 December 2018)
Should I just not get him anything?
(22 December 2018)
I am afraid of what to get because i'm afraid my sister will just accuse me of gender stereotyping.
(22 December 2018)
My sister's 5 year old son who used to be a girl had a sex change and now i don't know what to get him.
(22 December 2018)
How to get with this guy?
(22 December 2018)
I've thought about mentioning something to the best friend aka prior hook up, bc we are much closer even though were just friends, but i dont want it to get awkward.
(22 December 2018)
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