Friday 18 January 2019

A Hot Hookers and Heels New Year’s Weekend

Hi honey,We were together again in my new home, only this time my college girls were with us. Since last weekend was New Year’s Eve weekend I thought it would be nice to go upscale, so Friday night w_ Bao:His one other friend has a girlfriend also.(15 January 2019) Bao:So my boyfriend and his friends are going [...]

Every time I ask him a serious question about us, he gives me he same answer over and over again; nothing new and im getting fed up.
(12 January 2019)

I know he has a girl friend but it seems like we are a perfect match in my eyes but doesn't see it.
(12 January 2019)

He has the traits that I am currently seeking in a man; he is financial stable , he is down to earth, he is ground and has a strong demonor.
(12 January 2019)

Should I step away from him until he makes up his mind?
(12 January 2019)

He tells me I deserve the best life and I am a amazing person but he is confused.
(12 January 2019)

When we are together in person, we connect so well and have many things in common.
(12 January 2019)

He has a girl friend of 2 years and he seems like he doesn't want to leave her while on the other hand, he tells me the things I provide to him out of gratitude he has never had.
(12 January 2019)

We knew each other for some time because he both had classes together in college, but then recently I expressed my interest in him and so did he.
(12 January 2019)

Our situation is very complicated and we both dont know to resolve it.
(12 January 2019)

Why do men hate and obsess over women?
(12 January 2019)

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