Saturday 19 January 2019

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I had unprotected sex with someone else on July 6 2018 and i don t know who the dad could be.
(13 January 2019)

My LMP was June 17 2018 I ovulated between the 28th & the 2nd of July I m currently 29weeks and 7 days pregnant.
(13 January 2019)

Is it offensive to tell someone that they don't have a life, and they don't go out?
(13 January 2019)

I'm not the one saying these things, but some of my friends make fun of me and say those things just because I'm more busy academically than socially.
(13 January 2019)

What too do when you got your phone taken away?
(13 January 2019)

Dp you think its more fun being a girl or a boy please explain your answer in why you think so?
(13 January 2019)

Moving to a new position at job and worried about someone?
(13 January 2019)

I'm feeling depressed and I don't know what to do.
(13 January 2019)

There was another position that I wanted but it is not available currently.
(13 January 2019)

I'm not completely sure what is going on but I believe she doesn't want me in there because she thinks I like her or something.
(13 January 2019)

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