Tuesday 1 January 2019

Double Exposure Mirror View.

Double Exposure Mirror View.What I like most about seeing a mirror view, is you get to see both sides of a person like you see of me here. Mirror mirror upon the wall. Hope my friends like what I am_ Haley:Anyway, I have about 5 grand saved in my bank so it’s not like I’m gonna [...]

Or if she's just still weak from being sick?
(1 January 2019)

But she just threw up on that day and everyday since then she'd just feel nauseous and dizzy often at night time and she'd sleep A LOT.I'm wondering how likely that it is pregnancy symptoms?
(1 January 2019)

I am suspecting that she has the stomach flu.
(1 January 2019)

However, at December 28 (around 2am) she couldn't sleep and threw up several times, she claims she feels hot and thinks she has a fever, she has mild LBM, dizziness, and feeling chills.
(1 January 2019)

The next day (December 21) she had nausea at the evening, but didn't throw up.
(1 January 2019)

The thing is, last week (December 20) she had a 1 day mild spotting that we suspect should be due to the shot wearing off.
(1 January 2019)

It s that he lies to me on his whersbouts inorder to get drunk with his friends.
(1 January 2019)

You know it s not so much that he drinks that worries me.
(1 January 2019)

I promised him I would always be there for him, but I don t know if i can anymore.
(1 January 2019)

I was there in his brother s funeral.
(1 January 2019)

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