Tuesday 8 January 2019

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I heard that you are just a booty call and they really aren't interested in you if they do this.
(3 January 2019)

Claiming they wanted to hear your voice and get all flirty?
(3 January 2019)

Is it a good thing if a woman always calls you late at night like around midnight?
(3 January 2019)

Can you get pregnant if you touch you underwear after giving a handjob?
(3 January 2019)

So after that i went to bathroom i accidentally touch my underwear.
(3 January 2019)

I gave my boyfriend a handjob and he ejaculate in my hands.
(3 January 2019)

My boyfriend didn't come home last night?
(3 January 2019)

And before he left he didn't say a word to me walked in the room to change and walked back out.
(3 January 2019)

I'm going through post partum depression and I would've thought he'll be there for me instead of saying hurtful things.
(3 January 2019)

Then he calls me a brat and said I do too much I don't understand i don't ask him for nothing at all I take care of his children clean up do his laundry etc.
(3 January 2019)

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