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Hi im japanese.I have questions.What is the difference in living in Japan and the USA, or in countries other than Asia?
(10 January 2019)

Also in that case I will say bad things in the shade.
(10 January 2019)

For example, I eat rice and soup for breakfast in Japan.We have to bow before and after school class.The teacher will be reported to the parents that school test results are bad.Japanese people can not express feelings directly to their opponent.
(10 January 2019)

Does he LIKE ME ?? Is he trying to make me jealous?
(10 January 2019)

Is he trying to make me jealous lol or what is he doing?
(10 January 2019)

And yesterday he randomly went into detail about a girl he slept with last night?
(10 January 2019)

I have a coworker who asked me to sleep with him before when we were drunk at a work thing.
(10 January 2019)

Difference of the smell from a man and a woman?
(10 January 2019)

I wonder if the genitalia of a man and a woman smell different, their fluids.
(10 January 2019)

The past haunts me in my sleep. When I'm in bed, I feel like doing something I know I'll regret when I wake up. How should I handle this?
(10 January 2019)

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