Sunday 13 January 2019

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How can I make him chase me again and how can I act like I don't care if he hangs with them while I am working....
(7 January 2019)

Every time he stayed with friends in the past I got jealous and make a big deal.
(7 January 2019)

Recently he has been lying to me to avoid arguments.
(7 January 2019)

I know he will be with his friends on weekends while I finish up with school in the next 7 months.
(7 January 2019)

We have been together for 7 yrs and do not live together.
(7 January 2019)

I will be working doubles every Sat and Sun soon while I am in nursing school.
(7 January 2019)

Where are you??? I have lotsof questions. How about a phone number. My grand kids are better with teck then I am?
(7 January 2019)

Does he like me or playing around?
(7 January 2019)

I've brought it up and he seemed kind of offended...
(7 January 2019)

Kinda like he doesn't want to be left alone with me. but at the same time he acts the same. we text and all but i don't know if he likes me.
(7 January 2019)

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