Thursday 17 January 2019


Meteorologist would call it simply”Mamma”Cold air inside the mass that forms in pouches on the under belly, the under shelve of the mass of cumulus cloud.I call it the Muffin cloudWhen you see it well_ Roxann:The job is a bit more demanding than what I’ve done before, but I can handle it.(14 January 2019) Roxann:It could mean [...]

Even their children are having families and ive stayed the same.
(12 January 2019)

Im 32 and my older siblings all have families of their own.
(12 January 2019)

Help this relationship is driving me nuts!?
(12 January 2019)

I love this woman like crazy but i feel like its turning more into pain than anything.
(12 January 2019)

Then she throws a big fit and then calms down and becomes all lovey dovey again.
(12 January 2019)

It's strange somedays at night she could be like super sweet but i wake up to her pouting and putting up a front and I don't get what i did wrong i just woke up then she tells me it something i did like 1-2weeks prior.
(12 January 2019)

Is there a way i can fix this, i am trying my best but it just hurts too much i dont understand what i am doing wrong.
(12 January 2019)

I've explained it many times but she said im just making up an excuse but it's not I genuinely dont get the impact of my actions and i pay dearly for it.
(12 January 2019)

I've explained to her that my weakness is that I am socially awkward i dont understand social situations like normal people do.
(12 January 2019)

Anything i say to her gets twisted around into something i didn't mean and is taken the wrong way.
(12 January 2019)

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