Sunday 13 January 2019

New Year Resolutions.

New Year Resolutions. What do you plan to do in the new year that you didn’t do in the old year? Or what do you plan to do more in the new year you did in the old year?_ Asia:Ex boyfriend isn’t speaking to me and I’m pregnant?(8 January 2019) Asia:I’m feeling stressed and unsure how to [...]

I just saw on Facebook where they posted about a baby who survived an abortion but they left it alone to die.
(7 January 2019)

Can breastfeeding help the child decrease their chances of having allergies, illnesses, or becoming overweight?
(7 January 2019)

How should you punish a 10 year old for throwing a cat in a pool?
(7 January 2019)

Why is it so easy for girls I f ucken hate women?
(7 January 2019)

They can get any guy they want and if they wanna get laid they can go out to a bar and just get laid.
(7 January 2019)

Had unprotected sex with my girlfriend 95 after she had her depo provera shot how likely is she pregnant?
(7 January 2019)

She had some minor spotting on that day as well and I ejaculated outside, but some may have gotten inside.
(7 January 2019)

I am wondering the probability that she ovulated when we had sex that day.
(7 January 2019)

Any later than that and she has a risk of getting pregnant.
(7 January 2019)

I know the shot protects around 11 weeks to 14 weeks, but I know a girl must take the shot at the latest, 89 days.
(7 January 2019)

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