Tuesday 15 January 2019

New Years! Who cares.

Boring……_ Patty:So instead of telling them that they should give me half the bill minus the money that I owed them, I said the whole bill minus the money that I owed them.(11 January 2019) Patty:But I also paid for a bill and they had to give me their share.(11 January 2019) Jude:Women, would you be okay with [...]

I would just feel like running away because it feels like a trick.
(9 January 2019)

Later she would say hi to me and even start conversations and stuff.
(9 January 2019)

She even called a manager and I just played down how uncomfortable she made me.
(9 January 2019)

I just started to feel more and more uncomfortable around her.
(9 January 2019)

At one point I was one of the best but then I started getting worst because she kept pushing me down.
(9 January 2019)

I would work with her but she just wasn't being all that nice and I already acknowledged I struggle with comfortably talking to customer's.
(9 January 2019)

Later she goes to starting things with me again about cleaning, customers and how she doesn't has this problem woth anyone but me.
(9 January 2019)

I just dismissed her again because I didn't like her tone and I vigorously try to not do things like that.
(9 January 2019)

She then talked to me about me talking to her customers.
(9 January 2019)

I thought that was a pretty negative thing to say but I ignored it.
(9 January 2019)

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