Wednesday 23 January 2019

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Why do some people look incredibly attractive in photos but unattractive in real life?
(17 January 2019)

And why do people always look better in a mirror than in real life OR a photo?
(17 January 2019)

Others look really good in real life, but unattractive in photos.
(17 January 2019)

I noticed pretty women are excluded by other women due to competition.As a result the pretty girls stay with no boyfriend.What should they?
(17 January 2019)

Gilette Commercial destroys family values?
(17 January 2019)

Raising a kid with?
(17 January 2019)

If I had a kid with primordial dwarfism... This is what I would do.
(17 January 2019)

Should I name my Bard character in dnd Barry Manilow?
(17 January 2019)

I impulsively named an NPC Barry and now I cant figure out what I want his last name to be.
(17 January 2019)

New love or just friends?
(17 January 2019)

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