Tuesday 1 January 2019

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So there is this girl that I used to work with.
(1 January 2019)

Can you die from stress If you really need sex???
(1 January 2019)

Had sex 2 days after finished period. Week later i bled for 2 days with cramps. Now period 4 days late with cramps.negative test. Am i prego?
(1 January 2019)

I deal with social anxiety and I try to come out my shell more by dancing at parties and talking but its never well recieved?
(1 January 2019)

I mean it happens no matter where I go.
(1 January 2019)

I dont know what I say wrong . I actually wish people would tell me so I can stop doing whatever that is.
(1 January 2019)

Example: Anytime I say anything the whole room gets quiet and people just stare at each other . Which makes it so hard for me to speak up in that social situation again.
(1 January 2019)

It just frustrates me that people always tell me Im boring and dont come out my shell then when I do its never enough or people just awkwardly stare at me.
(1 January 2019)

I am very overweight and not the best dancer.
(1 January 2019)

Idk maybe she didnt want me to look a fool on camera.
(1 January 2019)

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