Saturday 12 January 2019

Red Marks

Overheard at a local dungeon playspace: A Dominant history professor and a submissive philosophy professor are sitting nearby having a discussion. The Dominant asks; “Have you read Marx?” The sub_ Yang:I dont know how i will live without him.(8 January 2019) Yang:I will just miss him so much, I will miss his presence.(8 January 2019) Yang:It’s not like [...]

And I asked him if he wanted to be friends with benefits. he said yes and that he's always liked me.
(6 January 2019)

He had asked me to go out with him.
(6 January 2019)

We've been been talking about meeting up for awhile.
(6 January 2019)

And we've talked on the phone a few times.
(6 January 2019)

Eventually he asked me for my number.
(6 January 2019)

This went on for awhile at least a year or two.
(6 January 2019)

He and I use to talk when I would come to the store to shop.
(6 January 2019)

He's someone I met a local store where he works.
(6 January 2019)

I have been talking to this guy via facebook.
(6 January 2019)

Why did my husband cry?
(6 January 2019)

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