Monday 14 January 2019

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How do you work with people you don't mesh with?
(8 January 2019)

How can i make it more comfortable to work with them?
(8 January 2019)

If I don't help, I'll fail this project.
(8 January 2019)

The boys are best friends and I'm just like this outsider who has to work with them.
(8 January 2019)

I was put into a group of two boys.
(8 January 2019)

How do I get my parents to stop lying about me and point out that they are the gossips and not me?
(8 January 2019)

I am a young adult out on my own, aged 24, but it still hurts.
(8 January 2019)

The real malicious and cowardly gossip my Dad has only done once (shared a story of a homosexual couple). So how do I get my parents to stop lying about me and point out that they are the gossips and not me?
(8 January 2019)

Or on another occasion telling his family my Mom's parents were moving when they did not want that shared.
(8 January 2019)

My Dad meanwhile is not as bad as my Mom but enables her in this and does lots of small talk like telling his uncle about a neighbor of my parents' who has cancer when the neighbor did not want others to know.
(8 January 2019)

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