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So basically I broke up with my ex after 2 months in spain but it had been coming for a while.
(29 December 2018)

My Friend is Trying to Make My Boyfriend Look Bad?
(29 December 2018)

I don t know what to do, any advice?
(29 December 2018)

Our friend acts so nice face to face, but im starting to think that he is not who he seems to be.
(29 December 2018)

Most of the things he tells me about are things that my boyfriend already spoke to me about, hanging out with other girls, things like that.
(29 December 2018)

He is always sending me messages telling me about everything my boyfriend is doing that could get him into trouble, and is even going as far as sending me screenshots of their conversations.
(29 December 2018)

Whenever we hang out I can feel the tension, and my friend is trying to make my boyfriend look bad.
(29 December 2018)

My boyfriend and I have known each other for years, but just recently started dating (two months ago). His best friend is also a close friend of mine, and his friend just admitted to having feelings for me.
(29 December 2018)

Names I've found unusual and wondered if others did too.
(29 December 2018)

Some names I've heard recently for a boy- Rocket Creel Zebedee For a girl- Joelle Raxel These are not names I am considering at all, just names of children of grand children of people I've known or met.
(29 December 2018)

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