Friday 18 January 2019

Terrible, An Overwhelming Feeling

Terrible, terrible, terribleAn overwhelming feelingIt washes over me.In wavesLike an oceanOr a symphony.How can I change it?I know it might only Be momentary.I wait for itLike a traffic lightChanging_ Essie:I replied on Sunday at 9:30 am saying sorry I don’t know you and cant already move on to texting, 30 minutes after that my ex blocked [...]

He doesn't think he can ever have a proper relationship with anyone, but he tried it with me for a year.
(12 January 2019)

He is emotionally unavailable & has no faith in relationships, that could be from his childhood.
(12 January 2019)

Im feeling stuck and i dont know what to do, live with mom?
(12 January 2019)

Im not sure where to go i have no money and i cant get a job rn im trying to get my health in order, i get no money from the father or state.
(12 January 2019)

Its not right for my 2 year old to be cursed, screamed at, and grounded to his room for weeks at a time just for talking back.
(12 January 2019)

She is emotinally abusive to him and i and i know i need to get out.
(12 January 2019)

I try to defend him but she just goes off more and it makes things worse for him.
(12 January 2019)

I dont know what to do but this is making me sick.
(12 January 2019)

If it was just him and i i would move into a shelter but its not its me a disabled 6 year old him and a newborn and im disabled atm.
(12 January 2019)

Shes constantly screaming at him over every little thing, and hes two, he acts up.
(12 January 2019)

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