Sunday 20 January 2019

Thailand sex hotel

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She hasn't been her fun, flirty self and we haven't been talking late at night like we usually do.
(14 January 2019)

This week, she seems to be acting distant.
(14 January 2019)

Help!, my girlfriend is off the deep end!?
(14 January 2019)

All morning my girlfriend has been going off on me because I Had a one minute conversation on a class with a fellow classmate, who happened to be female, in our college bookstore the other day.
(14 January 2019)

Unbearable Pain From Cheating?
(14 January 2019)

Please help me get our relationship back to normal.
(14 January 2019)

All my sister does is complain and brag?
(14 January 2019)

So she starts being all nice to me but when i turn her down she calls me mean and selfish. what should i do?
(14 January 2019)

She loves to complain about how i dont do stuff correctly when she asks me but i dont know why she constantly keeps asking me to do something if i dont do it correctly every time.
(14 January 2019)

Why did this guy look at me when talking to my best friend?
(14 January 2019)

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